For my second son’s baby room theme was Winnie the Pooh. I made his honeybee baby mobile. He had four bees flying around his head (see completed mobile here).
Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links”. This means that if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a commission (at no extra cost to you). Despite the commission, I’m recommending these products because I honestly like them!
My first son’s baby mobile had animals. These really cute animals patterns are by Jellybum. I made and hung them on my son’s mobile (giraffe, crocodile, pig, tiger, zebra and hedgehog). I sell at craft fairs and have sold these little critters. The photo also shows my larger stuffed bears!
Making a mobile was easy and I had the base, and so I decided to make a baby mobile for baby number two! However, when I looked online for Winnie the Pooh I didn’t like anything that I found which was knit. (There are so many crocheted Winnie the Pooh characters, but nothing small and knit that I could find.) So I decided to make my own Winnie the Pooh themed pattern! Bees!!! Buzzzzzzz!
You can see part of his room below, with the mobile!
My mom bought a mobile at a garage sale, it had stuffed elephants and owls, I cut them off and used the premade structure with the green sleeves (they look like tree leaves/branches). I then knit a brown sleeve for the entire mobile to look like a tree trunk.
For the beehive I originally bought two twig baskets, and tied them together. It looked perfect! However, I found little twigs in the bed a few times before the baby came and decided against it. So my mom made a basket and we tied it upside down for the hive.
I made the honeycomb blanket draped on the front of the crib. You can find the pattern here, along with my dimensions. I also made the far left bunny in the crib by altering a bear pattern that I had (see the picture above with the stuffed bears). To create the bunny, the nose was extended, ears lengthened and his name is Wendel. I discuss, and share the pattern for Wendel on another post here.
When I was younger there was a song I would sing about a rabbit named Wendel. The tape (am I dating myself?!) was called “The Clock on the Shelf” by Chad and Terri Sigafus. My mom saved the tape and gave it to me. It doesn’t work too well but my husband found the CD online! I bought it and we sing the songs all the time!!)
My husband made the wooden cutouts. (He found a good image online, outlined it using carbon paper and cut it out on the premade wooden signs. The trick is not to get arms too close to the body.) He is quite talented. Below is a closeup of Tigger, with whiskers!
The bees I made myself; hence, the post! My mom gave me gold yarn, and I bought black fingering weight yarn. I am not sure where on earth you would find the gold yarn that I had, but Comfy Fingering yarn (in Honey and Black) would look great! And honestly, you wouldn’t have to use fingering yarn, any yarn will work, this is just what I had on hand!
Lion Brand has some light weight yarn, called Truboo Yarn, which has a little sheen to it. They have a bright merigold color or a lighter, softer yellow. I like how the gold yarn that I used is a tad shiny, and this Truboo Yarn has that appearance.
I also had some beautiful cream yarn (sport weight) from making a sweater, and used this for the wings. (Shine Sport yarn is nice, and they have cream and white) yarn.
You can find the honeybee pattern to purchase here if you are interested.
You will need a Raverly account, this is free to do. The honeybee is is knit in the round.
A week ago, I actually found my son (almost 4 years later), running around with one of the bees in his hand! It made me smile, because that was the point! I wanted to make something for “him”… let’s be honest, for me, when he was a baby. However, after his mobile days were over I didn’t want to put the bees away. I wanted to be able to cut the bees off and have an instant toy he could play with them. And it worked! A win for Mom!!
I shared the links above, but have included them here for easy reference:
I’d love to hear if you make any of these, or other Winnie the Pooh themed knits you have made!